Monday, February 9, 2015

It's about numbers

Selling is also about 'the numbers'. Because of this we need to track our match stats in the sales game - as a way of identifying what's working for us and what's not.

How do we do this?

By keeping track of our basic units of sales activity on a daily basis. This means counting things like the number of sales calls (phone and/or face-to-face) we make; the number of presentations we make and the number of sales we make (plus the sales revenue and contribution to profit that they generate).

(Depending on our industry and our sales processes we may need to count additional activity units.)

We can then use a spreadsheet to record our activity units and to calculate our personal KPIs.

This in turn makes it easier for us to spot opportunities for improvement. It also makes it easier to trouble-shoot if results start to fall away.

Remember the old saying 'If we keep the score the score gets better'.

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 11/2 is How to conduct performance reviews with sales staff. The title says it all.)

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