Monday, March 30, 2015


The value of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis is that it encourages a businessperson to look at their sales operation from an ‘outside looking in’ perspective. Don’t be afraid to enlist some help.

Write on a whiteboard all those factors that you see as being Strengths in your sales operation (eg great products, experienced salespeople, high profile promotion, high-value pricing etc). Then list the Weaknesses (eg lack of credit facilities, low profile, limited marketing resources etc). Having done this, talk through and identify the Opportunities available (eg add products, start marketing to new segments etc) and then the Threats (eg aggressive competitors, over-reliance on a small number of customers or suppliers etc) that may exist.

As the SWOT analysis is being done a number of possible Action Points will emerge. These should be noted for later evaluation with the view to including them in the business’s plans for the future.

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 1/4 is Beware of poor attitudes. It's a short reminder about the effect that attitudes can have on sales results.)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Sell more with a Concerns Menu

Do your ever get the feeling that you (or your salespeople) miss sales because they aren't getting close enough to prospective customers to really understand them and their concerns.

If so, a Concerns Menu may help. What's a Concerns Menu? It's a little like a 'bill of fare' on which is listed a number (no more than six) of issues that have been of concern to previous customers where you have been able to help.

The idea is to list these issues in bullet point format - keeping each point as succinct as possible. I encourage my clients to use no more that three words per bullet point and to put them on their business letterhead.

Using the Concerns Menu is a fairly simple matter. At an appropriate time in the sales conversation ask your prospective customer 'Do you mind if I show you something? It's a list of some of the major issues that some of our existing customers have had - and that we have been able to help them with. There may be something there that may help you'. Assuming that they agree to look at the list show it to them and talk them through each of the issues - keeping it short and simple.

If you are alert to their body language you will see what points 'hit home'.

Having gone through the list ask the question 'Is there any thing on this list that concerns you?'

Assuming that you have identified at least one concern you are now in a position to tease it out further.

(I am an advocate of the EASE sales format. The Concerns Menu concept fits well in the second step of EASE, that is the Ask.)

(The up-coming post for Monday 30/3 is Do a SWOT. It's a reminder of the value of a SWOT analysis in sales.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Who does the coaching?

Who does the coaching at your place?

A major mistake that business owners and managers make is that of not coaching their salespeople. While this is especially true in respect of new salespeople it also applies to salespeople with experience. If coaching is so important, and failure to do so costly, why is this mistake made so often?

It is because we assume that, when a salesperson says they know something they will also do it. In the words of the song “It ain’t necessarily so”.

To understand that knowing and doing don’t always go together we need only to look in a mirror. How often do we not do things that we know we should do, or do things that we know we shouldn’t do? It’s basic human behaviour. But why? And how can the answer help us to help our salespeople perform better?

Knowing but not doing is caused by a lack of self-discipline. It follows then that, if a salesperson doesn’t have the necessary self-discipline, the discipline must come from an outside source. Business owners and managers must accept the challenge of being that outside source and work on, over time, helping the salesperson develop self-discipline. This is a key part of sales coaching.

Put another way, business owners and managers must accept the Sales Coaches’ key responsibility of making their salespeople work effectively.

The following tips will help you do a better job of coaching inexperienced salespeople; you will also get some ideas for use with experienced people.

Firstly, decide how you want things done in the sales function of Your Business and publish clear expectations in areas like
- prospecting sources and technique
- approach technique
- qualifying practices
- presentation/demonstration structure
- work effort and activity levels
- Time Management, especially the use of To Do Lists and a Diary.

Secondly, inspect what you expect. While you do this keep a close eye on
- what is being said during the four critical sales steps; the Approach, the Qualifying, the Presentation/demonstration and the Close?
- how is it being said?
- how often is it being said?
- to whom is it being said?

Let’s look at each in order.

What is being said in the Approach, Qualifying, Presentation/demonstration and Close?

The Coach has the responsibility of ensuring that their sales team has access to the best and most useful sales material affordable. This includes approach and other sales scripts that work. The Coach must then provide plenty of drill in the use of these scripts to ensure that the salesperson knows what to say and how to say it under the pressure of a real life sales situation.

The Coach chooses the scripts to be followed and shouldn’t allow any alterations to be made by the salesperson. If a better way is identified then that ‘better way’ must be adopted as the standard.

In particular, remember that lots of sales are lost because the salesperson either doesn’t Close or Closes clumsily. This means that Closing must be practised until it is seamless.

How is it being said?

This is about style, tone and tempo. Is the salesperson conversing with the customer confidently and persuasively? Or is their performance lacklustre and unconvincing?

The best way to find out the answers to these questions is to observe the salesperson in real life sales situations. This means that the Coach sets aside time on a regular basis to observe the salesperson in the field. Sometimes the Coach should do the presenting; thus giving the salesperson a valuable opportunity to ‘learn by observing’.

How often is it being said?

This is about activity levels. Some salespeople fail solely through lack of activity. If activity levels are to be monitored the Coach must insist that the salesperson keep accurate records of units of activity like numbers of Calls Made (or Received), Sales Appointments Secured, Sales Appointments Conducted, Asked to Buys, Sales Made (and their $ value).

If these records are kept a lack of activity can be spotted early; it can then be fixed before too much damage is done.

At the end of each week this information should be entered on a spreadsheet set up to calculate key ratios such as Average Calls per Sale, Average Asked to Buys per Sale and Average $ value per Sale. These are the Coach’s match stats; they help pinpoint opportunities for improvement.

Who are they saying it to?

Some salespeople struggle because they waste too much time on poor quality prospects. It is the Coach’s responsibility to prevent this from happening by assisting a new salesperson to prepare profiles of 2 or 3 ‘prime prospect’ groups and then insist that the salesperson maintain focus on those groups.

For example, in the Business-to-Business market prime prospect groups could be described by Industry sector, location of Head Office and number of employees

The Coach then needs to show the salesperson how to locate such prospects and how to Qualify them properly.

Additional prospect groups can be added to the mix as the salesperson develops.

A final point

If all this seems to be too much trouble, remember that a poorly performing salesperson is costly. They’ll eventually leave and you’ll have to do it all over again. Why not strive to get it right from the start?

(The up-coming post for Friday is Sell more with a Concerns Menu. It's about a little-used but very effective sales aid.)

Monday, March 23, 2015

About the goals pyramid

We all know that one of the keys to business success is the ability to set clear and co-ordinated goals. Despite this many people in SMBs and elsewhere struggle with the practical application of goal setting principles.

Here are some ideas that may help you -

The Goals Pyramid

Picture a pyramid on top of which rests a single large stone block. This large stone block represents your business’s Primary Goal. Every business must have a clear Primary Goal. This goal can be set by answering a question like “If we achieve nothing else this year, what is the one thing we must achieve?” This may not be an easy question to answer, since it is likely to be linked to stakeholder relationships and the viability or longevity of the business, however you must give it the deep consideration it deserves.

The layer of large blocks immediately below the top block on the pyramid represents a layer of Second-level Goals. These are the goals whose achievement will ensure the achievement of the Primary Goal. These Second-level Goals also need to be identified and set with great care. Depending on the substance of the Second-level Goals it may be necessary to set a series of supporting Third-level Goals, and so on.

By using the Pyramid structure you can ensure that the goal setting for all of your business functions, including your sales and marketing, is aimed at supporting the achievement of the Primary Goal.

Results goals and Activity goals

A Results goal is simply that; an expression of an end-result to be achieved, for example “Gross Sales of $x in the 2004/2005 Financial Year”. An Activity goal is an expression of activity-units to be achieved, for example “New Prospect sales calls of y in the 2004/2005 Financial Year”. People cannot do Results but they can do Activities. That is why it is vital for you, when setting Results Goals, to connect them to Activity Goals to support their achievement. Without this connection your goal setting is little more than wishful thinking.

Tangible and Intangible goals

Not all your goals need to be Tangible. Albert Einstein is reported to have said “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts”. With that thought in mind you should feel comfortable in setting Intangible goals and including them in your Pyramid if that’s appropriate to your business.

Examples of Intangible goals are “For Our Business Inc to be seen as a valuable member of the local business community” and “To maintain a happy and motivating work environment”. Both goals are worth striving for – however any assessment of success in achieving them could only be based on opinion.

Developing Action Plans from your Goals Pyramid

Goals are about “what the business is going to achieve”; Action Plans are about the “how, in what sequence and by whom”. Every goal in the Pyramid needs to be linked to an Action Plan that sets out action steps to be taken, a ‘do by’ date for each step and the name of the individual responsible for that step. A word of warning; never make a group responsible for an action step because responsibility will slip through the cracks – instead nominate a group leader, give them the necessary authority, and make that person responsible.

Obviously, Action Plans must be recorded in writing so that proper accountability can be maintained and progress can be monitored.

Don’t be fazed by obstacles

It is unlikely that you will progress to the achievement of your goals without meeting obstacles along the way – if it were to be that easy you would have achieved your goals already!

Take time to identify any pre-existing obstacles and include the steps for dealing with them in your plans. When you meet unexpected obstacles along the way don’t panic and don’t give up. Simply amend your plans to deal with the obstacles and get on with it.

Keep your plans alive

Don’t file them away to gather dust all year. A plan is meant to be a support not a straitjacket. Review progress regularly. If a part of your plan goes awry you may decide to dump that part. If an unexpected opportunity arises be flexible - amend your plans so you can capitalise on it.

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 25/3 is Who does the coaching? It's about taking responsibility for this important function in a sales group.)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Customers are people first; customers second

This is an attitude that must be reflected throughout your business.

Look for the person in the customer and deal with that person on a personal level and you will enjoy great success. If you only ever deal with the customer in the person you will limit your success. This includes speaking to customers by name, it means saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’; it means talking ‘with them’ not ‘at them’.

Just old-fashioned good manners really.

In business, treat people as you would a favourite uncle, aunt or cousin and you are heading in the right direction.

(The up-coming post for Monday 23/3 is About the goals pyramid. It's about a simple way of planning and prioritizing in business.)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Don't confuse order-taking with selling

Some people who say they are ‘in sales’ are actually ‘in order-taking’; they never sell anything – they simply hope their customer will buy.

Order-taking is like turning up and asking a question that translates to “Is there anything you want today?” (The customer says “No thanks”; the order-taker says, turning to leave, “OK, that’s fine, see you in two weeks”.) Selling is about doing some preparation, thinking about the customer and having an idea/offer in mind.

The conversation can start the same way. The salesperson says, “Is there any thing you want today?” The customer says “No thanks”. Instead of turning to leave the salesperson says, “OK, that’s fine – however, before I go can I show an idea/offer we have going regarding …”

This creates an opportunity for the salesperson to move into selling mode.

Like so many other tips in selling, this is not rocket science. But it works.

(The up-coming post for Friday 20/3 is Customers are people first; customers second. It's a reminder to work with the person first to be successful in any sales situation.) 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Using the Wish List question to sell more

Whether we sell products or services most of our customers have a Wish List.

(What's a Wish List? It's a list of products or services that your customer would like to purchase at some stage in the future if funds were to become available. Sometimes a Wish List will be made up of additional items to be acquired, other times it will include items to be replaced.

Sometimes the Wish List will be in writing, other times it will be 'in the mind'.)

Asking the Wish List question can be as simple as saying something like "Many of the business-owners I speak to have a Wish List. A sort of list of items they want to purchase in the future if and when funds become available. Sometimes it's to do with replacing old equipment, other times they are seeking to add new capacity. Do you have a Wish List in mind?"

Obviously you can't expect an answer if you haven't previously Engaged your customer. However, if you have properly Engaged your customer you may be pleasantly surprised by what you learn with the Wish List question. Used wisely this knowledge can help you sell more.

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 18/3 is Don't confuse order-taking with selling. It's a reminder about avoiding the order-taker trap.)

Friday, March 13, 2015

What do sales champions do better?

As with other forms of endeavour the world of sales has its champions and its ‘not so champions’.

It’s worthwhile to examine four key areas where the sales champions do it better and that contribute to their success.

The first is attitude; champions have a positive attitude; they are ‘glass half full people’. This is not to be confused with brashness, cockiness or being falsely ‘pumped up’. It is a quiet positiveness that affects all of their interactions on day-to-day basis. It also means that they respect their customers, their work colleagues, their product and, most importantly, their chosen vocation. This positiveness is infectious and helps sway customers during the sales process.

They also keep their ego under control. They realise that it’s possible to learn from the most humble of people so they are open to suggestion and don’t fear criticism.

Having a positive attitude also helps the champion deal with the inevitable knockbacks that come in selling without taking the rejection personally and getting down at heart. They realise that disappointments are part of sales so they simply dust themselves off and move on as if the disappointment hadn’t happened. This doesn’t mean that they don’t learn from their disappointments. They value the lessons that come from experience; they simply refuse to dwell on the negatives.

The second is knowledge. Champions know their product. They take the trouble to study the features of their product and the benefits those features provide. They do this because they know that customers buy benefits that they want or need. They also accept the responsibility of identifying the customer's wants and needs and helping the customer see that those wants and needs can be satisfied by the product.

This leads to another aspect of knowledge. The champion is a student of the sales business. They take the trouble to read about selling; they take the trouble to attend sales courses and refreshers to keep their knowledge bank ‘dusted off’ and open for business.

The third is the area of skills. Champions polish their skills by practising what they learn; they practise in the field and they also practise in the privacy of their business or their home.

They do this because they realise that sales is a ‘use it or lose it’ business.

The fourth is the area of habits. Champions realise that successful people do the things that others don’t like to do – so they develop the habit of doing those very things.

They realise that sales is, to a large extent, a numbers game. This means that they consistently achieve a high level of sales activity; this has the effect of making the numbers work for them rather than against them. They have a daily and weekly sales routine that they stick to. They maintain the habit of conducting high-quality sales discussions/presentations by sticking to their planned structure.

They are in the habit of keeping good records including activity and results records. This enables them to evaluate their performance on an on-going basis in order to find opportunities for improvement. It also means that if things go ‘off the boil’ problems can be identified quickly and fixed before they do too much damage.

Here are some tips on becoming a sales champion

1) Protect and nurture your attitude; don’t mix with negative people, rather expose yourself to positive influences. Recognise that you have the power to choose your own attitudes – use it.

2) Look at your product from the customer’s point of view. What benefits does it provide? How will those benefits satisfy the customer’s needs and wants?

3) Become a student of the sales business; go out of your way to learn from others and through reading. The knowledge gained will provide a firm foundation for a long and successful career.

4) Set aside time to practise your sales skills; enlist the help of a colleague or family member to play the part of the customer. Get used to hearing your own voice saying what it is that you want to say.

5) Recognise that our habits will either make us or break us. Be diligent in developing good work habits and avoid short cuts. Get into the habit of making one extra sales call before knocking off for the day. That would give around 250 extra sales calls in a year – how many extra sales could you expect from that?

(The up-coming post for Monday 16/3 is Using the Wish List question to sell more. It's about a simple yet effective way of finding out about a customer's future purchasing plans.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Is your Offer strong enough?

A vital ingredient in successful lead generation is the Offer you make to your prospective customers. To be effective your Offer must be strong enough to be seen as ‘of value’ in the eyes of your prospective customers.

Developing a strong Offer requires creativity; it may be ‘something for nothing’, something new, a discount or a ‘special’ or a combination of these.

Your Offer must then be effectively communicated to your prospective customers in such a way to grab their attention and, through a strong ‘call to action’, motivate them to respond positively. To do this you must select the most appropriate mediums and make sure that your material is attractive and well constructed.

(The up-coming post for Friday 13/3 is What do sales champions do better? It makes sense to emulate the best if we want to become one of them.)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dare to be different

Why is it that a steak in a 5-star restaurant costs more than a steak in a 3-star restaurant, even though the steak may be of similar quality?

It's about what goes on around the steak. It's about things like the ambiance, decor and service. In essence it's about the difference in the experience.

And the customers are happy to pay for it!

What goes on around the steak at your place? What sort of experience do your customers enjoy when doing business with you? Honestly?

If it's more towards the 3-star than the 5-star, and you are struggling to maintain your margins because you find yourself discounting to get the sale, here's a tip.

Dare to be different.

Set about making the experience more enjoyable for your customers; tidy up your decor, hire some happy people, tighten up on your customer service standards, create some points of difference and make them work for you.

Get this right and you may find that customers stop haggling because they like the experience you provide and want to do business with you.

Wouldn't that be great?

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 11/3 is Is your Offer strong enough? It's a reminder about making sure your Offer is strong enough to attract potential customers.)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Telling ain't selling

Effective selling is built around a 'conversation' not a 'lecture'. (Most of us don't like to be lectured at - neither do our customers.)

This conversational approach certainly requires the ability to use 'conversational' questions to identify a customers needs, wants, preferences and prejudices (aka their 'hot buttons'); it also requires a conversational tone from beginning to end - including the Final Close.

The main advantage of the conversational approach is that it's non-threatening and therefore unlikely to provoke unnecessary resistance from the customer. Remember that there's an element of woo in good selling.

So keep cool - in golfing parlance 'don't try to hit the cover off the ball'. Swing your sales club sweetly and let it do the work.

(A footnote: Don't get the feeling that conversational means meandering, unstructured or aimless. On the contrary it requires a careful structure and a strong mind. It's mainly about tone and manner.)

 (The up-coming post for Monday 10/3 is Dare to be different. It's about the importance of being seen as 'different' in the eyes of customers.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Do sales competitions work?

Most of us who have been in sales for any length of time have been involved in sales competitions of various sorts (either as a participant or as a sponsor-organiser).

To me the main benefit of running any sales competition is the opportunity to create a buzz based on friendly rivalry; to generate 'good news'. The competition, its rules, its prize(s) and its recognition of winners is simply the vehicle by which that buzz is created.

In my experience some competitions work and others don't - for a number of reasons. Here are some of them -

Reasons why some competitions don't work -

They have too many participants

If the pool of participants is too big and the opportunities to 'win' too small many if not most of the participants will lose interest very quickly. They will be turned off rather than turned on because they recognise the unlikelihood of them winning.

The competition is run over too long a time frame

A competition run over a year will fail to hold the interest of all but the top two or three participants. A competition run each month of a year will do a better job of holding participants' interest; it will produce a winner and the good news twelve times during the year rather than just once.

The winner(s) are easily predicted

If there is a superior performer in the sales group it's likely that that person will win every competition unless the competition rules are designed carefully. Some ways around this include basing results on percentage of budget achieved or number of orders from new customers. If the group has a number of 'old hands' and a number of 'newer hands' you may want to run your competition in two 'flights'.

The competition isn't 'talked up' by the sales manager

If you are the sales manager you need to take the opportunity as often as you reasonably can to talk up the competition and ask individual salespeople how they're progressing in it. If you show your interest they will become interested also; if you don't they won't.

Regular progress results aren't forthcoming

This goes back to the old adage - if we keep the score the score gets better. It's important to keep participants informed of the score.

Winning is made too difficult

It all goes back to the reasons behind the running of the competition. In my view the reasons for running a sales competition are (or should be) to

> Create some good news by recognising good sales performances
> Reward that performance; to foster a 'winning' culture in a sales group
> To provide another medium to publish sales results apart from the bare statistics generated by 'the system'
> To engage salespeople in friendly rivalry

People who feel good about themselves generally perform better. Sales competitions are about helping salespeople feel good about themselves.

(The up-coming post for Friday 6/3 is Telling ain't selling. It's reminder about another old truth in sales.)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Are questions the answer?

The best salespeople are opportunity-identifiers and/or problem-solvers working to help their customers.

To do this they must locate and respect their customer’s buying triggers, those being their customer’s ‘hot buttons’, cold button’ and ‘sore points’. (A hot button is a point of interest or concern to the customer – something they want to hear more about and will buy; a cold button is a point of no interest or concern to the customer – something they don’t want to hear about and won’t buy; a sore point is an aspect of their current situation that they are unhappy with and would like to have fixed.)

A salesperson can identify a customer’s buying triggers only by asking well-planned and well-rehearsed questions (and listening to the answers).

Here are some tips that can help with this process.

Avoid using Yes/No questions

An amusing way to illustrate this point is to examine the classic old-time greeting ‘How ya goin? OK?’ In this greeting the greeter asks an Information-seeking question ‘How are you going?’ Then immediately turns it into a Yes/No question by asking ‘OK?’ Little wonder that the answer is monosyllabic and the conversation dies.

Information-seeking questions generally keep the conversation rolling. Therefore, whether the situation is social or business it’s best to use Information-seekers whenever possible.

Information-seeking questions start with words like Who, What, When, Where, Which, Why and How.

Most, if not all, Yes/No questions can be turned in to Information-seekers with a little thought. ‘Did you have a good weekend?’ can become ‘How was your weekend?’ ‘Have you tried such-and-such?’ can become ‘What have you tried so far?’

Tee up the question before asking it

This is a lesson many TV and radio interviewers need to learn. How often have you heard a sports commentator ask a question like this; ‘Bill what did you think of the course today? In the past you’ve been quoted as saying that Troon is more suited to ……than ……’

The mistake here is that the question is asked, but then the interviewer keeps talking, letting the interviewee off the hook by helping with the answer. (To extend the golf analogy, it’s like trying to tee up the ball after you’ve hit it.)

Better to re-structure the question to ‘Bill, in the past you’ve been quoted as saying that Troon is more suited to …… than ……. What did you think of the course today?’

Having finished with the question, the interviewer should keep quiet and give the interviewee a chance to answer. If more information is wanted a follow-up question can be asked.

Give your customer the opportunity to express a preference

It’s vital that salespeople understand their customer’s attitudes and preferences before trying to sell them anything.

One way of helping with this, and also keeping the conversation rolling is to, early in the discussion, ask the customer for their preference or opinion.

One example of this is the investment adviser who says something like ‘Some of the people I talk to about their investment arrangements feel more concerned about the security of their investments than the rate of return they get. Others feel the opposite. How do you feel?

Another example might be the auto salesperson who says something like ‘Some of the people I talk to about their auto requirements feel more concerned about on-road performance than fuel economy. Others feel the opposite. How do you feel?

If the customer nominates one the salesperson has identified a possible trigger. If the customer responds with ‘A bit of both’ it opens the way for another question, keeping the conversation rolling.

Don’t use questions as traps

Good selling is not about getting a customer to say ‘Yes’ when they want to say ‘No’. It is, however, about helping them say ‘Yes’ when they want to say ‘Yes’.

Even so, a salesperson will sometimes be tempted to use questions as traps to get the customer to say ‘Yes’ when they don’t want to. The giveaway here is that the salesperson will either use a Yes/No question or make a statement and ask the customer to agree to it.

This is a dangerous practice. Customers aren’t silly; they know when they are being manipulated and resent it.

Keep it conversational

Discussions with customers should be conversations not interrogations. None of us like feeling that we are being interrogated; we normally clam up and give only minimum information (and not all of that accurate).

With that in mind salespeople need to master the skill of asking questions in a conversational way. This requires a respectful mindset and a relaxed manner. It will maintain the opportunity for relaxed and open communication with the customer. This in turn makes it easier for the salesperson to understand, and therefore satisfy, the customer’s needs and wants.

A final thought

The ability to ask the right questions is a skill that helps in all areas of business not just in sales. Consider areas like personnel, production or finance; how many times are problems in these areas over-looked or dealt with in a less-than-satisfactory manner because people who should know better failed to ask the right questions at the right time.

Remember that the quality of a question generally determines the quality of the answer it generates.

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 4/3 is Do sales competitions work? It seeks to provide some ideas on the effectiveness of sales competitions in improving sales results.)