Monday, February 23, 2015

The importance of repetition in training

My experience in training over a number of years has cemented in my mind some important points about the need for deliberate, careful repetition of key points in the training message during any training session. This is especially so of group training sessions.

Here are three of those important points -

Firstly, some people need to hear the same message multiple times before that message sinks in.

Secondly, it's sometimes necessary to 'package' a single message in several different ways for it to be accepted by all members of a group. (Some will 'get' it one way, others will 'get' it another way.)

Thirdly, people 'tune in' and 'tune out' during a training session - we shouldn't be surprised by that, it's basic human behaviour. What it does mean is that any information that we impart while any participant is tuned out will be lost to that participant.

My tip therefore is to build planned repetition of key points into any training presentation so you maximise your chance of having your training message accepted and, more importantly, acted on.

(The up-coming post for Wednesday 25/2 is Selling is theatre. It's about the need to put on a good show.)

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