Friday, November 28, 2014

Shut up! - and sell more

Many salespeople think that the more they talk the more they will sell.

Not necessarily so!

There are times during a sales discussion, presentation or demonstration when silence helps advance the sale.

Here are three such times -

(1) When your prospective customer is answering your questions. You need to ask conversational questions in order to get a handle on your customer's needs, wants, preferences and prejudices. Don't jump in too soon. Create a second or two of silence to let them finish. Remember that the best information often comes at the end of the answer.

(2) When answering your customer's questions. Don't move on too soon. Use a silence to encourage them to ask a follow-up question. Remember that a customer's questions are indicators of areas of concern or interest - they are to be encouraged.

(3) Immediately after asking the Final Close question. It sounds tough but you must allow your customer to decide in silence. If you talk the moment will be lost, maybe forever. (Remember also that if you have used Trial Closes on the way through your discussion you know with maybe 90% certainty what the answer will be.)

In summary. Don't be afraid of silence in selling - used appropriately and carefully it can be a great assistant.

(The up-coming post for Monday 1/12 is A few cold calling tips. It about ways to get better results from your cold calling efforts.)

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